Me alegra reencontrar este documental, cada vez.
Hace años lo miraba en una versión sin subtítulos, intentando adivinar lo que estaban diciendo. Luego, al tiempo, al leer el texto pude notar que no estaba tan lejos en aquel momento, mayormente porque las imágenes, expresiones, tonos, gestos y el sonido son tan directos y potentes que las palabras se vuelven casi innecesarias.
Hay demasiado para observar, detalles curiosos, el estado de las partituras de Kezeradze, fragmentos de anécdotas, pero fundamentalmente el clima y el tipo de ambiente en el que se desarrolla el trabajo, el estado mental en el momento de la práctica, el aplomo de la maestra que está a años luz de un alumno,que ya en ese momento es gigante, absolutamente dotado y entregado totalmente a una única meta.
Creo que este es uno de los documentales que cada tanto está bien volver a visitar. Hay algo que sucede al verlo que al menos a mi me renueva la energía y me obliga a recomenzar el trabajo de las obras de una manera más profunda y honesta.
También invita a reflexionar sobre cuál es el sentido del éxito, y el verdadero valor en función de los parámetros en los que se miden.
Por último, las demostraciones de toque y el sonido de AK son de un nivel de maestría que no es frecuente encontrar. No solo por el resultado, que es perfecto cada vez, sino por la consistencia, la facilidad y la seguridad en la ejecución que dejan entrever una profundidad que pareciera no tener límite.
where is really music going what is it
now coming to visit an entertainment
industry which I hate all the contracts
which is signed you're described is part
of entertaining industry entertainment
well what I'm doing is certainly not an
entertainment it's a work you have to
use your brains and your mind to go to
my concert it's not that you're going
there before your dinner
even though I sure as much young if so
tip 11 get very impatient you we bestow
a right a bit
Jerry I spoke her Alex placed through
the opening Qasr as a provides pointers
to their agreed interpretation
geography laser target an analyst to
machala 3d ADA v analyst Duga UJ e da
música pop de Pury diode emoji price bow
on genie Tatsu into Jewish it a test but
what rate they ot up literally at Viet
not or subhana Allah similar data
whether the past leave me appreciating
acacho last covenant
Heide a pets bras but should she give me
Portugal and what else did you become
devoted to the pen where did you begin
to occupy a lot of your time when it
really was I think not before I was 12
years old 11 years old this is the time
when I left for Moscow when I started
did you win some competition to get to
Moscow to the concerns several yeah in
Moscow he was a pupil at the prestigious
and highly competitive Moscow
Conservatory I remember many children
being not able to continue just to to
stand on that and some of them would
leave the school did they put enormous I
imagine I would imagine that I lied
enormous stress on the technical
development of course we had exams in
scales and we had to play etudes and
everything it was quite funny but also
not very funny for those who were not
doing it well can you describe for us
your first waiting with Alice I think
you know she was a pianist first of all
no but I was once invited to MSO the
instrument which I thought was there
because it was in the family or
something like and then I started to
play a little bit
I remember it was sharpened sonata
b-minor number three and I was playing a
little patenting and this came said
something about that phrase or that
melody which Apple and I realized that
somebody outstanding just told me that
yes catastrophe what she doesn't live in
magic no one no variability e the ocean
mr. Vitti looky looky nobuta she was it
was limits here about so she is
technically but a most of the rapid
trash their qiblah only mimic octopus
materials Rana but the most of the kids
every genuine yet Cavani Babu child it
was you have rattle said my blemishes
Tonetta kya watching atmega he watching
give the sarcasm take him thank you it
was very little remark where is short
but so fundamental so important so
essential and then I immediately asked
whether she is a pianist and she only
smiled and to say anything so I was left
with a little history question
it was to decide I will attempt Acosta
Baraka and my pasta loca which Nabila
coffee really highly the most ocean you
stay on pasta Baraka watching an
occasional reporter only still remember
that a grammar signal yet later hostile
capitalist nice astronomy resuming
strategy Lima Lima has resists aims Gaza
the trick Radhika various glue Percy
she's livid Brock you should nip you on
a camp last night ago oh no she residues
number eight at that rate the hoop knows
oh sure is couched on the fairness
damnit okay eternity stare which she was
34 and he was 21 when they married in
1980 with his studies that the
conservator completed they left Russia
together with her 11 year old son
Georg II something of a legend has grown
around their teaching methods many
people including father Alek credit his
very rapid success to her
as Arad's his own teacher like from zoo
Lottie the favorite pupil of franz liszt
using the highly specialized technique
she inherited from this impeccable
katratzi set out to improve paga
delicious plan mr. Buddha Natasha we
registered the police cars 19 airship
pianist Haruka
Serena's gonna let a little snow boots
ricotta's knob it's oh she's Fahad 'no
it is released gavrio stuffs two three
McKenna stood up with this vide machine
but ADA custom no absolutely swaboda
Ruki this gram if Cecile apart
Commissioner of parts is watching in
today's night studying your key witness
to Super City and Havilah
chespin evil Paula Budda Budda Budda
chef captain Chicago very least can he
stay darling little spat lavish akak
teeth swaboda asparagus
the second movement the GBA was inspired
by the morbid description of slow death
by hanging the constant repetition of a
single octave b-flat creates the motif
of a tolling Bell Ravel made this
recording himself because he found that
some pianists ignored his instruction
that the GBA cannot be played slowly
Papa relish plays Lizzie bay even slower
than Ravel
I would think that probably not trying
to imagine how good the composer want
the piece to be played but probably what
was before the creation of the piece
what was before the work what inspired
what was that that provokes want to to
make this music which source when where
is it coming from where is this
beautiful melody coming from why is it
so beautiful how comes by signal Y it is
not ordinary why's it so exception this
is probably for the interpreter where to
look for his ideas rather than to follow
I would not say the remarks in speech
were left in the text but how would the
composer like it to be played
it's poker ologies attitude to
interpretation which first brought into
public attention
he became headline news at the 1980
Chopin Competition in Warsaw despite a
popular reception he was eliminated
after the third round the jury objected
to his dress his manner and his
one judge complained to the press he
doesn't respect the music cotillion
appeared on duty the Congress is open a
pretty rad second EMU an interval event
can scare so I mean you are greenie cut
no guilty plead rat sir but the most of
show is Dharana
Kikuchi compositor device or table even
before the metaphor tone even met
support etta poaching of our shia
preparing the diam Kagami revolting
watch his dismissal from the competition
developed into a scandal one of the
Marta aggeridge a former winner herself
declared on television pop knowledge is
a genius
I am ashamed to be a member of the jury
she duly quit it's all out of scandal is
probably the best thing which can happen
to real artists because instead of
describing one's music people start
describing one's clothes instead of
trying to find what is nice in once
music what is real what is pure what is
D people are looking for exceptional
effects or something unusual
controversial and by hearing that
something is controversial about that
person people immediately start
thinking that everything is
controversial so Sunday you must be you
must have violet eyes and painted hair
and very strange
finally it's gone you know for me ona to
reception and regard crystallize in
Estonia appreciate me man is arrested
that in a critical own she touched to
critical cigarette I'll be touching the
Brazil actively but I must attack that I
need sneezes the nationwide petition was
organized to support baggage and a group
of Polish music critics awarded him a
special prize fogger on each left Warsaw
with many offers of concert engagements
with a hundred thousand record sales in
three days and considerably more
recognition than the winner the third
movement is scar Bo Beltran's poem
describes an evil and gymnastic dwarf
many of the time I've heard scar Bo he's
now scratching the silk curtains of my
bed seen him pirouette like a shuttle
flown from the spinning wheel of a which
Ravel translated these gymnastics into
music a formidable technical difficulty
watching interested by rosetta
cappadocia video Sheena Forte a reduced
dr. Lucini today's been a premier
Nebraska theorists reveal diode accent
forte is Achadjian piano of Kakinada
beta now instrument it was officially
nervous mostly egrets transition for
mana premiere was at Iwo Jima the book
marking marking
tonin at each stage ticket to movies a
spree began capsule unum Marcato a bell
22 Marcato a premiere in attack nevere
with your three by
me too Jie du Shi open much alibi the
whatever I bet that hood up classy she's
got past anarchy
in a crush on his book bus
prayer bus classy she's cry for me
Piazza attack Scarpa we evoke routing
exactly to you we bow
we're on tack clapping a clue hasta la
donna è la Kraske they one of the most
striking passages in Scarborough which
is considered by most people including
very highly skilled professional pianist
as extremely difficult is a sequence of
chromatic seconds could you first of all
explain what that is and then show us
slowly how you do it and then plays as
you play you do those three things
probably the camera would have to see
they're played by right hand on to notes
to adjust no societal they probably what
is difficult about these seconds I would
usually you're not supposed to play
second because you know the other
literature seconds are happen because to
judge no yes like as a dissonant so used
by Ravel to bring a special effect of
moving spirit before you go on can you
tell me why they are actually difficult
is unusual you as I already said you're
supposed to do something which for all
your studies you have to avoid and
you're supposed to avoid it because if
you by mistake take a second then
something very bad
so by accelerating them the difficulty
of course grows and then it is the
developing speed and finally they have
to be played from the top of the
keyboard to the very low section many
things things car boy very unusual very
uncomfortable the left hand has to do
incredible things sometimes first to
jump over the right hand
so sometimes it is and probably the most
difficult about that is to put all this
difficulties each page full of together
and to make music
- Nikita
why is it so difficult the real answer
would be that whatever is written in a
score should become as if it does not
come from the piano as if it comes from
the orchestra so probably the most
proper answer would be that it is an
orchestration or this so each sound
should should come as if if it is a
different instrument and if it is each
note should sound differently in order
to bring different color and different
character because most of these ordinary
you can play to learn another language
because every day a new discovery every
time something which pleases you so much
as you as you achieve it and then it's
sometimes difficult to to keep it but
it's extraordinary
whoever however I was talking to or
whoever was asking me about that
I think that those pianist who play that
day especially emotional and special
memory about that piece and the time
they were studying