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In The Real Early Morning- Jacob Collier [Transcription]

Esperé mucho tiempo esta transcripción.

El trabajo que hizo J.F. es impresionante. Hay tanto para aprender en cada compás!

Muchas veces cuando muestro algunas cosas que toco que son aprendidas directamente del lenguaje de Jacob Collier, la pregunta que más frecuentemente surge es cómo encarar el estudio de algo tan inmenso e inabarcable.

El consejo que puedo dar es lo que ha funcionado siempre para mi y consiste en ver siempre el panorama completo pero atacar apenas algunos pequeños detalles.

Tal vez estudiar un par de compases en profundidad, entender hasta las últimas consecuencias todo lo que sucede y porqué nos deje más enseñanzas que pasar rápidamente por arriba de todo.

La magia sucede cuando uno entiende profundamente un elemento, los hace propio, convive, lo aplica, lo modifica, lo adapta, etc.

Es un trabajo largo, el proceso es lento, pero el resultado es que uno deja de ser un espectador o un imitador y pasa a vivir esa realidad como propia, con todo lo que eso conlleva.

La paciencia y la dedicación son condiciones obligadas. Además, es necesario confiar en el proceso. El trabajo se hace porque se debe hacer, no por el resultado. El resultado es finalmente una consecuencia.

Disfruten esta maravillosa música y aprendan todo lo que puedan de este regalo de transcripción que nos deja Jason Fieler.

Gracias Jason Fieler!

Here's my transcription of "In The Real Early Morning" by Jacob Collier from his debut album "In My Room". I've always wanted to do a track from that album, and this was one of the last ones to be transcribed, so I decided to tackle it. Surprisingly, this transcription definitely took the longest out of all the ones I've done because while the harmony isn't that difficult, decided what rhythms to notate was extremely difficult. I hope you enjoy! My patreon, where you can get any transcription in pdf/midi form for a pledge of $3:​ Things to note: The point of this transcription is not to be a typical "piano+vocal arrangement" because there already is one of those in the Jacob Collier songbook. The point of making this is to notate what was played as exactly as I can, which is why so many of the rhythms are so complicated. If I had simplified it, it may have looked a little cleaner and would be a little easier to play, but again, this is supposed to be exact and if you are more interested in a simple, more playable version, that's what the songbook is for. If you want to try and play it exactly as it's heard on the recording, this is the right place to do that. Also, the reduction staves are supposed to show everything that isn't a voice or an electric piano, which is pretty much just bells and other random sounds he added in. Whenever there are tremolo markings on the held notes, it means that it alternates between all those notes indistinctly. Obviously, when recording this, he wasn't trying to use all the time signatures I notated, as it's supposed to be free, but this was the best I could do to try and notate the rhythms as they were played without varying too much what the perceived tempo may be.

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